Thursday, July 7, 2011

A day to remember!

I have dreamed of this day for years. And, we have worked hard to get to this day for the last 2 years. It's hard to believe that it is here.

Yesterday we were approved for our mortgage and made an offer on a house. Today it was accepted! Woo hoo- I am doing the happy dance!! We are about to be home owners. Better late than never! :) We are so excited and a little over whelmed. Not bad, but there is alot more to it than we ever imagined. So much paper work, as if we don't have enough already with our adoption, and way too much "number" talk.

With that said, we are beside ourself. Ready for this new phase in our life. Now, the packing will begin. Well, actually not now. But soon. Right now our basement is FULL of yardsale "stuff." So that is making me feel real cluttered. I'll be glad to get that out of here. Hopefully it will be worth all of the trouble. So, we will be closing in the middle of August and moving shortly after.

Today I have been reminded that God is faithful and that if you want things to change in your life, and do the hard things, they will. Satan wanted us to believe that we would NEVER be any different. That we would always struggle financially and always fail at being responsible. A little back ground... just for fun... Tim and I are SO much alike. Int he fact that we both HATE keeping records of money spent, we HATE (like most people) sitting down and paying our bills. We are both pretty un organized when it comes to our finances, we'd rather have fun now and pay for it later. And we lived like that for YEARS. Until we finally got tired of it.

We finally grew up :) For the past 2 years we know exactly how much we have in the bank, we have a savings account and none of our utilities have been cut off :) I laugh about it now, but it was a miserable way to live. We honestly didn't believe we'd ever get it all together enough to buy a house.

All I can say is PRAISE GOD for all of His help in helping us to change. It was baby steps, but we were faithful to do what He was asking us to do. Thank you Lord!!

Psalm 89:33
Nevertheless My lovingkindness I will not utterly take from him,Nor allow My
faithfulness to fail

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