Thursday, May 26, 2011

God's timing.

God's timing is not always an easy thing to understand. I don't
really always understand His timing and His plans. All day today
I have been anxious about upcoming events. Buying our first home.
We have found one that we love. It is everything that we prayed for.
Actually, when we began the search for a new home we automatically
began looking in the $200-$250 range. Over the last few weeks
God really began dealing with me about surrendering my dream,
and trusting Him. So with that, He led me to an awesome deal. It is
here in the same town, so the kids wouldn't have to change schools,
it is 5 bedrooms.... which means room for 3 kids their own room
and 2 share. (Which Allie has already proclaimed "this is mine and
my little sister's room" which I think is adorable, especially since
we have not even officially begun the adoption process.) It is on a
dead end street, so the kids can ride their bikes and be safe, it is
actually the last house on the dead end!! It has a GREAT back yard,
full of plenty of room to play and woods for the kids to do their "exploring." The best part? This house
would cut our house payment in HALF!!! How awesome is God, if you just surrender and trust Him. That would leave
plenty of room to save for the adoption and buy some MUCH needed furniture!! :)

Then the timing issue begins! We love this house, and really want it. But we are not quite ready to make an
offer. We are still waiting on our mortgage approval, which should happen this month! AND, we are not wanting
to leave our landlords until they are prepared. With that, I pray that if this is God's will then the timing will
all work out. That when we are ready, the house will still be available. And, when that time comes, our
landlord will have another renter and things will work out!! So help me believe for God's timing to be perfect, for
all involved!

A good example of timing that the Lord showed me was this. We just recently decided to hold our son,
Nathan, back into Kindergarten. It was a very hard decision, but definitely the best for him. He has
struggled all year long, is immature and very little, he just isn't ready for first grade. Now, as his parents
we need to do what is best for him, not what is least painful. If we allowed him to go on to first grade
when he wasn't ready then that would make things worse for him. As his parents, we have to do the hard things.
Same thing with God, He understands our hurts, and anxiety about waiting. And I am positive that He
feels what we feel (just like Tim and I do Nathan!) but ultimately His goal is to do His will in our life,
which is the best thing for us!

This is a great time to allow our trust and faith in Him to grow!!

Psalm 37:7

7 Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him;
Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way,
Because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass.

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