Saturday, May 21, 2011


Sometimes I look back over my life and get so down over the mistakes I have made. Some have been little and not very life changing. While others have been HUGE and have greatly changed my life, and others. It's sad when months/years down the road you look back and have that "ah ha" moment. I'm realizing everyday that the mistakes I made, and blamed on others, were all my fault. Yes, in the end God has worked them out for my good, but not until I had to walk thru many dark days. I can't help but think back to the lyrics "I won't deny the worse you can say about me. But I'm not defined by the mistakes I have made because God says of me, I am not who I was, I'm being remade." Thank God that He remakes us. That we may screw our lives up horribly, YET, it's not too much for Him. Mistakes help us be better. They teach us to depend on God, and not ourselves. I'm so grateful for His Redeeming love. That has swept over my life and made "all things new."

2 Corinthians 5:17

17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

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